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日期:10-31 19:51:59 | 中考英语复习资料 | 浏览次数: 716 次 | 收藏

标签:中考英语复习资料,http://www.gaofen123.com 中考英语:语法单选练习,

  1.Some people were reading in the library. Miss Yang asked me ____ loudly



  B.don't speak

  C.not speak

  D.not to speak

  2.The flowers ____ every day, or they'll die.

  A.must water

  B.should water

  C.can be watered

  D.must be watered

  3.Though they had cleaned the floor, there was still ____ rice on it.


  B.a little


  D.a few

  4.John ____ the factory since 1984. He is one of the oldest workers here now.

  A.came to

  B.comes to

  C.has been in

  D.has come to

  5.I'll catch up with Lucy before she ____ the finishing line.


  B.is reaching

  C.reaches in

  D.will reach

  6.——We are going to have a picnic tomorrow. What's the weather like, Mike?

  ----Why not ____ the radio and listen to the weather report?

  A.turn on

  B.turn off

  C.take away

  D.find out

  7.——Excuse me. Could you tell me ____ ?


  A.when can I get to the station

  B.I can get to which station

  C.which station can I get to

  D.how I can get to the station

  8.She worked ____ quietly ____ no one knew she was there.

  A.so; as

  B.so; that

  C.too; to

  D.very; that

  9.“Please ____ me your new story-book tomorrow, ”Lucy said.

  A.to bring


  C.to take


  10.English people often talk about ____. So when you meet someone in England,

  you should say, ____ ?

  A.weather; It's a fine day, isn't it

  B.age; How old are you

  C.name; What's your name, please

  D.time; What's the time now



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