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日期:10-31 19:43:51 | 高一英语 | 浏览次数: 749 次 | 收藏

标签:高一英语,http://www.gaofen123.com 人教版高一英语必修一复习题及答案,

 9. She may forget to come---she is not very ____.

   A  reliable  B  honest  C clever   D  hardworking.

 10. They  broke their __-to Beijing and stayed the night at a hotel.

   A   trip  B  voyage  C  tour  D  journey

 11 What is the ___for different kinds of transport in your city?

   A  fee    B  pay  C  value    D  fare

 12.  What have you been doing ___I last saw you ?

  A  from  B  ever since  C  when   D  until 

 13 He is stubborn. I cannot __him into accepting my way of thinking.

  A  propose   B  persuade   C  suggest   D  advise

 14. His future has not____yet,but he may study medicine.

  A  been determined   B  determined  C  been determining  D determining

 15. It was several months before our trip ___Jack and I went to the library for the information about the destination.

   A where  B  when  C  that  D  which 

 16. My brother doesn't really ___tea,,;he like coffee better.

   A . care for  B  care about  C  look for  D.  look after

 17. The boy insisted that he ___the glass. He said that he was not there then.

 A  hadn’t  broken  B  didn't break  C  haven’t broken  D  not  break

 18. Having argued for about an hour ,he ___to my view at last.

   A  gave off  B  gave out  C  gave in  D  gave up

 19 . He opened his lips____to say something, but he said nothing.

  A as if  B  even if  C  as long as  D  as soon as

 20. I’m not easily ___,but that look is really ____.

    A shocked  shocked     B shocked   shocking                

C. shocking  shocked  D  shocking  shocking

21. Most of the students of our school ,___had visited the science museum,were astonished by the inventions at home and abroad.

   A  which  B  where  C  who  D  that 

22. Her face ___ great joy when Mrs White knew that her son had been admitted to Harvad.

  Aexplained  B  caused   C  stated    D  expressed 

23 His speech was heard by a group of judges,___agreed that it was the best one in this year.

   A  whose  B  which  C  all of whom  D  all of which 

24  ___you know , Stephen Hawking is famous for his theory of black holes.

  A  When  B  If     C  As   D Which

25 Rather than ___by himself,I prefer to talk about it with my classmates first.

  A  write   B  writing   C  to  write   D  wrote

26 Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she ___me to buy one.

A  suggested  B  hoped    C  persuaded   D  insisted

27 ___she has made up her mind, nothing can change it  .

   A  Unless     B   Once     C  Until   D  Before  

28____Joe saw the film “ET”____by Steven Spielberg, he made up his mind to become a director t

   A The very  first time that ;directed    B. The very first time when ; directing

   C  For the first time; to direct    D  At first ; being  directed

29. When we rode like snowmen along  the way, children __long wool coats stopped to look at us.

   A dressing up   B  dressed in   C   dressed up as   D  dressing down

30.The river makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains__rice grows.

A  which  B  that   C   when   D  where

31. The people of the city , who___these events ,were asleep as usual that night.

  A  fitted in with   B   thought little of   C lived up to   D  looked up to

32 A big earthquake__Tanshan.And in few seconds the city lay___.

   A  shook  ,in ruins   B  shakes  , In ruins  C  shook, in ruin  D  shakes ,in ruin

33 The party last night was __success.We sang and danced until it came to __end.

   A  a, an  B a , the  C  the  ,a   D  / , an 

34 The  boss has always thought very __of him.

  A  highly   B  better  C   good    D  excellent

35Today we have chat rooms, text messaging   ,emailing…but we seem __the art of communicating face-to-face.

A losing  B  to be losing   C  to be lost  D  having lost

36 After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team_four days later.

   A  rescued     B  was  rescued   C  has  rescued   D  had  been  rescued

37 ___He is eager to try something he has never tried before.

  ____Oh,I see. That ‘s_______he’s different from others.

  A  when  B  where  C  how   D  what

38. She fought bravely and her enemy had to __her at last.

   A  give up  B give up to   C give in D  give in to




 Unit 5

1 I’ll show you a store ___you may buy all___you need.

  A in which;that  B  where ;which C which; that  D that; that

2 For all these years I have been working for others. I ’m hoping I’ll __my own business someday.   A turn up  B  fix up  C  set  up  D  make up

3Though he failed many times in election,he never lost __heart and at last he was elected __president of the USA

   A /;a   B  a; the  C  his ; the  D /;/

4 Old Tom took up the cleaning task of the neighborhood without any___.

  A awards   B  rewards   C  results  D  prizes

5His son was put in__prison,He went to__prison to see him once a month.

  A /;/  B  the ;the   C /; the   D  the ;/

6Only after the second tower of the World Trade Center was hit__people know it was not an accident,but an attak of some kind.

 A  done  B  does  C  do  D  did

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