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高二英语必修五unit 2 练习及答案

日期:10-31 19:42:46 | 高二英语 | 浏览次数: 688 次 | 收藏

标签:高二英语,http://www.gaofen123.com 高二英语必修五unit 2 练习及答案,


  1. What is the c_______ of Great Britian?

  Pounds and pence.

  2. Which i_______ are different in each country of the United Kingdom?

  Education and law.

  3. Can you c_______ your view about the problem?

  4. It is a difficult thing to a________ this work within one week.

  5. By all appearance, it shortens people's distance, and make our life in c________.

  6. Should we write something to medium to a_______ the attention of the public?

  7. The company developed rapidly under his a__________.

  8. Hiking is a nice sport besides that it is __________(有趣的).

  9. He gave a d_______ of what he had seen.

  10. There is no p_______of his coming.

  11. Those children are always q________ over little things.

  12. I have ________ (安排) to meet her at ten o'clock.

  13. I was ________ (高兴的)to be invited to her party.

  14. The ________(光辉的) image of Lei Feng will forever live in the hearts of the people.

  15. They fight for the cause of _________ (共产主义).


  1. They were debating whether to go to the mountain or to the seaside.

  2. 课程除了介绍一般电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。

  3. Success lies in hard work while laziness can lead to failure.

  4. 还要看情况发展。

  5. Leave me out of this quarrel, I don’t want to get involved.

  6. 如果你继续想那样地工作,你的身体会垮掉的。

  7. 任何人想把台湾从中国分裂出去的企图永远不可能得逞。

  8. The underground will take the place of the bus to become the main vehicle for the people in the future.

  9. 初升的朝阳看起来很美但是西下的夕阳看起来更美。

  10. Xiao Li looked around and caught a man putting his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

  11. 在我四周的范围内,除了沙漠以外没有任何的东西,只能看见一棵树。

  12. Tonny had one of his legs hurt when playing football.

  13. 今天下午教室里竟然一个人也没有,真是奇怪。


  1. Our class _______ 55 students at that time.

  A. consisted of  B. consists of  C. made up of  D. was consisting of

  2. The girl looked at me with a _______expression. Maybe the problem was quite _________.

  A. puzzled; puzzling  B. puzzling; puzzled

  C. puzzled; puzzled   D. puzzling; puzzling

  3. Do you know the person ______ to at the meeting?

  A. refer  B. refers to  C. referring  D. referred

  4. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ___ his notes.

  A. bringing up  B. referring to  C. looking for   D. trying to

  5. To their great fear, they found____ in the heaviest snowfall they had ever had.

  A. they were catching  B. themselves caught  C. they had caught  D. themselves catching

  6. Come and see me whenever ____.

  A. you are convenient

  B. you will be convenient

  C. it is convenient to you

  D. it was he convenient to you

  7. Generally speaking, ___ according to the directions the drug has no side effect.

  A. when taking  B. when taken  C. when to take  D. when to be taken

  8. The fire ___at 11 last night, but after the firemen came, it___.

  A. broke out; died out  B. was broken out; was died out

  C. was broken out; died out  D. broke out; was died out

  9. You can not imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ___be so rude to a lady.

  A. might  B. need  C. should  D. would

  10. He felt that he_______ the coldness that had grown between them.

  A. was blamed to     B. was to blame for  C. was to be blamed for    D. blamed

  11. -- Did you have a good time at the party? -- Thanks. I appreciated _________ to your home.

  A. to be invited        B. being invited    C. to have invited      D. having invited

  12. He was born in ______,and now he is in ________

  A his 1950s; his fifties  B the 1950’s; his fifties  C the 1950s;the fifties  D the 1950s;thefifties

  13. Do you think _____ true that _______is hard work that leads to success?

  A it; it  B it ;what  C that; it  D what which

  14. They woke up _______everything around ______

  A found / changed  B finding / changed  C to find / changing  D to find / changed

  15. -Is there anything you want from the town? -No thank you, I would like to get ______.

  A those letters mailed B to mail these letter C those letters mail D to mail those letter

  16. Last night Bill returned from his office to find his sister______ unconsciously beside the sofa.

  A lying  B laid  C laying  D to lie



  1. currency

  2. institutions

  3. clarify

  4. accomplish

  5. convenience.

  6. attract

  7. administration

  8. enjoyable

  9. description

  10. possibility

  11. quarrelling

  12. arranged

  13. delighted

  14. splendid

  15. communism.


  1. 他们正在争论是去山上还是去海边。

  2. In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also

  provides practical experience.

  3. 成功在于努力,懒惰导致失败。

  4. It remains to be seen

  5. 不要让我参与吵架,我不想卷入。

  6. If you continue working like that, your body will break down

  7. Anybody's attempt to break Taiwan away from China could not be achieved forever.

  8. 未来,地铁将会逐步取代公共汽车成为人们的主要交通工具。

  9. The rising sun looks beautiful and the sun setting in the west looks even more beautiful.

  10. 小李环顾四周,发现有一个人正把手插入一个乘客的口袋里。

  11. For miles around me, there was nothing but a desert, with a single tree in sight.

  12. 托尼踢足球时,他的腿受伤了。

  13. It was strange that there shouldn't have been any student in the classroom.







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