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深圳大运会英语作文素材 Sentence Patterns基本句型

日期:10-28 20:24:05 | 英语作文 | 浏览次数: 634 次 | 收藏

标签:初一英语作文,小学英语作文,http://www.gaofen123.com 深圳大运会英语作文素材 Sentence Patterns基本句型,

1.    Please wait in the waiting area .            请在候车区内候车。
2.    Please stand in line to get on the train.       请排队上车。
3.    Please let passengers get off / alight first.     先下后上。
4.    Please don't lean on the door./ Please keep away from the door.  请勿倚靠车门。
5.    For your safety, please hold the handrail.     为保安全,紧握扶手。
6.    No smoking, please.                     请勿吸烟。
7.    No rushing, please.                      别挤。
8.    Please line up.                          请大家按顺序排队。
9.    Go through the gate one by one, please.      请一个个有序地过闸机。
10.    Does anybody need help?                 有人需要帮助吗?
11.    It is the great traditional virtue for Chinese people to respect the old and care the young. Please offer your seat to the passengers in need.
12.    Go straight down those stairs and follow the signs.
13.    There is a toilet on the upper level.            厕所在上层。
14.    You can pay cash over there.                 你可以在那边的收银台付款。
15.    All passengers, please be careful and stay back.  各位乘客,注意安全,往后站。
16.    Please stand behind the yellow safety line while waiting for the train.
17.    Take the train on the right side and get off at the Window of the World Station.
18.    Please use the up / down stairs in the middle of the station to transfer to Line 3.                                      
请从站台中部 上/下 台阶,换乘地铁龙岗线。
19.    Please swipe your card.                   请您刷卡。
20.    Please go to the Customer Service Center for help.        请到客服中心处理。
21.    Please keep your magnetic ticket for exit.     请您保管好磁票,出站验票回收
22.    No food or drinks are allowed on the train.       地铁车厢请勿饮食。
23.    While boarding or alighting the train, please mind the gap between the train and platform.       
24.    No boarding while the light is flashing or the door is closing.
25.    No balloons are allowed in metro.             严禁携带充气气球进站。
26.    Never play or run at the station or on the train.   严禁在站内、车厢内追逐、打闹。
27.    Watch out for the door.                      请小心车门。
28.    Please don't squat, it is dangerous.             请勿蹲姿候车,很危险。
29.    If you drop something into the track, please contact the station staff.
30.    Please follow the direction of station staff and leave the station in order.
31.    Your ticket is overtaken. Please pay the exact fare.    您的车票超乘,请补交车费。
32.    Your luggage is over-weight /size/length. Please buy a luggage ticket, xx yuan.
33.    You can only use the ticket on the day of issue.      单程票在售出当站,当日乘车有效。
34.    Request invoice in the Customer Service Center.             请到客服中心拿取发票。
35.    Listen to the announcement on the train or at the station.
36.    Follow the directions of station staff to leave the train or station as soon as possible.
37.    This Ticket Vending Machine is out of service /out of order/under maintenance. Please try another.
38.    Please go to the Customer Service Center to change coin.   请到客服中心兑换硬币。
39.    Your ticket is overtime, according to our company's regulation you should pay another xx yuan.
40.    After entering the gate you have to exit in xxx minutes.
41.    Please move forward.                    请您尽量往前站。
42.    Go along with this street.                  沿着这条街走。
43.    Go straight on. / Go straight ahead.         直走。
44.    Turn right at the second crossing.          第二个十字路口向右拐。
45.    Keep straight on for two blocks.           一直往前走,走过两个街区。
46.    Take the first tuning to the left.            在第一个拐弯处向左拐.
47.    Cross the street and turn left.             过了这条街,然后向左拐。
48.    It's just around the corner.                就在拐角处。
49.    It's just across the street.                 就在街那边。
50.    It's opposite (to) the Post Office.           就在邮局对面。
51.    It's next to the Hospital.                  就在医院隔壁。
52.    It's near to the Train Station.              就在火车站附近。
53.    It's about 5 minutes' walk.                走路5分钟就到。
54.    It's at the end of the street.                在这条街的尽头。
55.    It's about half an hour's ride.              乘车大约半个小时。
56.    Take the escalator and then go to the right.   乘自动楼梯下去,然后往右拐。



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