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当前:首页 >> 名师指导:破解托福小作文的玄机


日期:04-04 17:56:04 | 托福考试 | 浏览次数: 152 次 | 收藏

标签:托福词汇,托福听力,托福机经,托福真题,http://www.gaofen123.com 名师指导:破解托福小作文的玄机,

  integrated task:


  indicate, state, claim, believe, argue, say, hold, discuss, mention, contend, demonstrate, raise the issue, according to the professor/writer…..


  cast doubt on, refute, rebuke, refuse, question, disagree with, oppose, contradict, on the contrary, differ from


  support, strengthen, agree with, reinforce, present the same idea


  1. this directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

  2. this entirely opposes the writer’s expectation.

  3. this is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.

  4. this is another part where experience contradict theory.


  in the lecture, the professor states that..., which differs from the point of the reading, the passsage contends that......

  as for the writer, the writer indicates that.......r1.....on the contrary, the instructor argues that l1.....+detail.

  in the lecture, the speaker raises the issue that l2+detail ......., yet the reading passage belives that.......r2...

  in the lecture, the professor says l3.....+detail...., and what the professor says opposes the idea of reading which holds that r3.........

  in a word, what is discussed in the lecture entirely opposes the writer’s expectation.


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