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日期:02-11 15:33:44 | GMAT考试 | 浏览次数: 188 次 | 收藏

标签:GMAT考试试题,GMAT考试真题,http://www.gaofen123.com 2017年GMAT机考逻辑(CR)真题-1(1),

(d) onlypanies with one hundred or more employees would be subject to the proposed parental-leave law.

(e) in most polls, a majority of citizens say they favor passage of a parental-leave law.

7. if a, then b.

if b, then c.

if c, then d.

if all of the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true?

(a) if d, then a.

(b) if not b, then not c.

(c) if not d, then not a.

(d) if d, then e.

(e) if not a, then not d.

8. dear applicant:

thank you for your application. unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a position in our local government office for the summer. as you know, funding for summer jobs is limited, and it is impossible for us to offer jobs to all those who want them. consequently, we are forced to reject many highly qualified applicants.

which of the following can be inferred from the letter?

(a) the number of applicants for summer jobs in the government office exceeded the number of summer jobs available.

(b) the applicant who received the letter was considered highly qualified.

(c) very little funding was available for summer jobs in the government office.

(d) the application of the person who received the letter was considered carefully before being rejected.

(e) most of those who applied for summer jobs were considered qualified for the available positions.

9. studies of fatal automobile accidents reveal that, in the majority of cases in which one occupant of an automobile is killed while another survives, it is the passenger, not the driver, who is killed. it is ironic that the innocent passenger should suffer for the driver’s carelessness, while the driver often suffers only minor injuries or none at all.

which of the following is an assumption underlying the reasoning in the passage above?

(a) in most fatal automobile accidents, the driver of a car in which an occupant is killed is at fault.

(b) drivers of automobiles are rarely killed in auto accidents.

(c) most deaths in fatal automobile accidents are suffered by occupants of cars rather than by pedestrians.

(d) auto safety experts should increase their efforts to provide protection for those in the passenger seats of automobiles.

(e) automobile passengers sometimes play a contributing role in causing auto accidents.

questions 10-11 are based on the following

as one who has always believed that truth is our nation’s surest weapon in the propaganda war against our foes, i am distressed by reports of “disinformation” campaigns by american intelligence agents in western europe. in a disinformation campaign, untruths are disseminated through gullible local journalists in order to damage the interests of our enemies and protect our own. those who defend this practice say that lying is necessary to counter soviet disinformation campaigns aimed at damaging america’s political interests. these apologists contend that one must fight fire with fire. i would point out to the apologists that the fire department finds water more effective.

10. the author of the passage above bases his conclusion on which of the following?

(a) a circular definition of “disinformation”

(b) an example of the ineffectiveness of lying as a weapon in the propaganda war

(c) an analogy between truth and water

(d) an appeal to the authority of the fire department

(e) an attack on the character of american intelligence agents in western europe

本文共4页: www.gaofen123.com

12. are you still reading the other newspaper in town? did you know that the daily bugle is owned by an out-of-town business syndicate that couldn’t care less about the people of gotham city? read the daily clarion, the only real voice of the people of gotham city!

which of the following most directly refutes the argument raised in the advertisement above?

(a) over half of the advertising revenues of the daily clarione from firms whose headquarters are located outside of gotham city.

(b) the daily clarion usually devotes more of its pages to out-of-town news than does the daily bugle.

(c) nearly 40 percent of the readers of the daily clarion reside outside the limits of gotham city.

(d) the editor-in-chief and all the other members of the editorial staff of the daily bugle have lived and worked in gotham city for ten years or more.

(e) the daily bugle has been published in gotham city for a longer time than has the daily clarion.

questions 13-14 are based on the following.

the earth’s resources are being depleted much too fast. to correct this, the united states must keep its resource consumption at present levels for many years toe.

13. the argument above depends on which of the following assumptions?

(a) per capita resource consumption in the united states is at an all-time high.

(b) the united states wastes resources.

(c) the united states uses more resources than any other country.

(d) the united states imports most of the resources it uses.

(e) curbing u.s. resource consumption will significantly retard world resource depletion.

14. which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

(a) new resource deposits are constantly being discovered.

(b) the united states consumes one-third of all resources used in the world.

(c) other countries need economic development more than the united states does.

(d) other countries have agreed to hold their resource consumption at present levels.

(e) the united states has been conserving resources for several years.

15. alba: i don’t intend to vote for senator frank in the next election. she is not a strong supporter of the war against crime.

tam: but senator frank sponsored the latest anticrime law passed by the senate.

alba: if senator frank sponsored it, it can’t be a very strong anticrime law.

which of the following identifies the most serious logical flaw in alba’s reasoning?

(a) the facts she presents do not support her conclusion that senator frank is soft on crime.

(b) she assumes without proof that crime is the most important issue in the uing election.

(c) she argues in a circle, using an unsupported assertion to dismiss conflicting evidence.

(d) she attacks senator frank on personal grounds rather than on he merit as a political leader.

(e) in deciding not to vote for senator frank, she fails to consider issues other than crime.

16. which of the following bestpletes the passage below?

the most serious flaw in television’s coverage of election campaigns is its tendency to focus on the horse-race side of politics—that is, to concentrate on the question “who’s winning?” at the expense of substantive coverage of the issues and the candidates’ positions on them. the endless interviews with campaign managers, discussions of campaign strategies, and, especially, the obsession with opinion polls have surrounded elections with the atmosphere of a football game or a prizefight. to reform this situation, a first step might well be______

(a) a shortening of the length of election campaigns to a period of six weeks

(b) a stringent limit on campaign spending

(c) a reduction in the television coverage of opinion polls during election campaigns

(d) the publication and distribution of voter-education literature to inform the public about each candidate’s position on the major issues

(e) a limit on the length and number of political advertisements broadcast on television


(b) if proposition 13 is repealed, every homeowner is likely to experience a substantial increase in property taxes.

(c) by preventing inflation from driving up property values, proposition 13 has saved homeowners thousands of dollars in property taxes.

(d) if proposition 13 is not repealed, identical properties will continue to be taxed at different rates.

(e) proposition 13 has benefited some homeowners more than others.

questions 18-19 are based on the following.

at an enormous research cost, a leading chemicalpany has developed a manufacturing process for converting wood fibers into a plastic. according to thepany, this new plastic can be used for, among other things, the hulls of small sailboats. but what does thepany think sailboat hulls used to be made of? surely the mania for high technology can scarcely go further than this.

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