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标签:在职硕士考试试题,在职硕士考试真题,http://www.gaofen123.com 在职申硕学位英语指南之辨别改错(五)(1),



  1.主语是单数, 谓语却是复数形式, 或反之, 主谓不一致的错误常出现在下列结构中:
  ②主语与谓语之间有定语从句或其他结构修饰, 所以距离较远, 考生易误认主语;
  ④主语带有with或such as等附加成分;


  on each (a) side of the highway was (b) hundreds of billboards advertising (c) everything from modern motels to roadside stands that sell fresh fruit (d) and bedspreads.(1995年考题)
(答案:b were, 倒装结构, 主语是hundreds of…)
  the amount of pressure (a) which (b) the materials are subject (c) to affect (d) the quality of the products.
(答案:d affects, 主语与谓语之间有较长修饰语)
  transforming (a) raw materials into (b) useful products are (c) called manufacturing (d) .
(答案:c is, 主语是动名词短语)
  the dean of the college together with some other (a) faculty members are planning (b) a conference for the purpose of (c) laying down certain (d) regulations.
(答案:b is planning, 主语有附加语) 来源:考  there are many valuable services (a) which the public are (b) willing to pay for, but which (c) does not (d) bring a return in money to themunity.
(答案:d do not, 第二个关系代词which作主语, 先行词是services)
  one of the world′s largest (a) salt mines lie (b) directly under (c) rhe city (d) of detroit.
(答案:b lies, 主语是one) 来源:考  george is one (a) of the graduate students who (b) has (c) got a part time (d) job.
(答案:c have, 与先行词students一致)
  mr.wang is the only one (a) of the teachers in (b) our university who (c) own (d) a car.
(答案:d owns, 与先行词one一致)
  many a (a) problem concerning the agricultural production (b) have been (c) solved this way (d) .
(答案:c has been, 与a problem在语法上一致)
  it was during the 1920′s that (a) the friendship between (b) the two american writers heminingway and fitzgerald reached their (c) highest (d) point.
(答案:c its, 指代friendship, 在数上一致)
  each cigarette which a person smokes does (a) some (b) harm, and eventually you (c) may get a serious disease from its (d) effect.
(答案:c he, 指代a person, 在人称上一致)
  it is required by law that a husband have to pay (a) the debts of his wife until (b) formal notice is given that (c) he no longer has to pay her (d) .
(答案:d to pay them, 指代debts, 在人称和数上一致)
  his achievements have earned him (a) respect from (b) both his colleagues and those (c) whose positions are higher than he (d) .
(答案:d his, 指代his position, 在格上一致)


[辨错思路] 来源:考
  1.一般说来, 测试主谓一致的试题主语都有修饰语或附加成分, 因此, 考生应仔细阅读句子, 找出主语、谓语。如果谓语划有横线, 就应考虑是否存在主谓不一致的错误。
来源:考  2.主谓不一致错误的特点之一是, 如果谓语应是单数, 谓语前面的名词往往是复数;如果谓语应是复数, 谓语前面的名词往往是单数(如1995年辨错改错题5), 以形成假象, 增大辨错难度。
来源:考  3.在倒装结构中测试主谓一致的试题往往是表示地点的短语放置句首, 谓语是表示状态的动词be, lie, stand, stay等, 考生在辨错时注意这一规律。
来源:考  4.如果作主语的名词既可表示单数又可表示复数意义, 考生应善于利用句中出现的代词、限定词或数词等暗示来判断题句中主语表示的数的概念, 进而分析谓语动词是否有误。
来源:考  5.一个句子含有不止一个名词时, 要分辨代词是否正确, 关键是要搞清楚指代对象, 然后再进一步分析是否在性、数、格、人称上与指代对象一致。

[改错要领] 来源:考
  在纠正一致关系错误时, 除了了解一般的单复数概念外, 还应掌握下列各特殊情况。

  1.貌似单数、实是复数的词, 包括data等不规则变化的复数名词, 和只用作复数意义的词如police以及根据情况有时用作复数意义的集合名词mittee。

  2.貌似复数、实是单数的名词, 包括表示学科的词如politics;固定复数形式的词如means, series, species等。


  3.动名词短语、不定式短语和名词从句作主语时, 谓语用单数, 如果用and连接上述相同的两个成分时, 谓语则用复数。

  4.主语带有as well as, apanied by等附加成分时, 该主语的数不受附加成分的影响。

one of +复数名词+关系代词引导的定语从句, 先行词是复数名词, 从句中谓语用 复数 。
  the only one+复数名词+关系代词引导的定语从句, 先行词是one, 从句中谓语用 单数 。
来源:考  6.两组用法易混淆的含of的短语作主语时, 谓语的数视名词的冠词而变:是不定冠词a, 用复数;是定冠词the, 用单数。
  a number of… 一些…


  the number of… …的数量
  a variety of… …各种各样的…
  the variety of… …的种类

  注意:the majority of+复数名词, "…的大多数", 谓语用复数。

  7.四组并列连词连接的主语, 其谓语动词的单复数取决于靠近动词的主语:
either…or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…, or。
来源:考  8.三个固定用法的谓语的数单纯取决于主语数的形式, 而不考虑主语数的实际意义:
  many a+单数名词 谓语用单数
  more than one+单数名词 谓语用单数 来源:考  agreat
  good many+复数名词 谓语用复数

  9.由each, every修饰的名词, 用第三人称单数指代。
来源:考  10."those of+人称代词"构成短语时, 指代短语的代词与短语中人称代词保持一致:
  those of us our
  those of you your
来源:考  11.注意it is的缩写形式it′s与代词it的所有格形式its的区别, 参见样题辨错改错(9)。


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