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日期:10-28 20:23:50 | 英语作文 | 浏览次数: 692 次 | 收藏

标签:初一英语作文,小学英语作文,http://www.gaofen123.com Grass,

  Not a garden in my house with a beautiful garden, the big bed. With a beautiful flower beds and beautiful flowers and a lovely, the green grass, it is two neighbors.

  People came to the park to play first, go to bed. People praise it beautiful, beautiful, but never on grass interested, nobody praise it. Listen to the grass will certainly more words was very proud and very despise the grass. Often insults, and before the grass, grass flaunt himself. "You look more beautiful, more I long eye-catching! Which like you grow too ugly. No one ever kua you, you see yourself." Grass red face said: "the beauty lies not in the physical appearance, but the mind. Although I didn't you are beautiful, but I give you less than people's contribution, I sacrifice own value, people are not forgotten me. Don't you see uncle aunt, every time, should give I hair? Still in our side shu brand" does not need to trample on the grass sous peine d 'amende 50 ". That is to protect our lives and appearance of the regulations shall not hurt.People are not forgotten me.

   峰峰实验小学六年级 :李佳佳

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