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日期:04-04 17:55:42 | 托福考试 | 浏览次数: 135 次 | 收藏

标签:托福词汇,托福听力,托福机经,托福真题,http://www.gaofen123.com 新托福08年上半年口语机经汇总(1),


1. which kind of magzine do you prefer to read, novels, poetrys, or 。。。忘了,反正以前机经提到过。

2. do you prefer to live with roomates or you prefer to live by youself

3. campus is going to have a plan to build up new houses off campus, for the better being of students. they r trying to make more parking and space, also students can spend more time off campus in differentmunities.the woman disagrees with it by giving 3 examples.1-more students will drive to school and there will be more requests for parking 2-students should spend more time on campus, take advantage of the activities in campus instead of doing them off campus.

4. people usually account other people different than account for themselves. the prof. gave 2 examples to illustrate this. 1-he was shopping and waiting in the line, a man cut him off, he thought the man was rude and selfish.  2-he had to go an important meeting and he was in a hurry and he was trying to buy things, he cut off a woman who was going to stand in the line. he thought there was nothing wrong with himself. same situation, he accounted himself different with other people.

5. the woman has to take american literature to graduate, but it isn’t offered next semester in the univ. the prof. gives her 2 solutions. 1-go to city college, where there will be american literature offer next sememster.   2-choose other courses which can make her graduate

6. art对children得improvement,说小孩子可能会因为不会单词而选择用艺术的形式来表达,给出的例子就是一个小女孩可以通过drawing来表达她的心情,一个小男孩也可以用make up a clay car来学会以后做事的方法什么的。

1. 说说最喜欢的一个room,自己家的或者是其他地方的。

2. 有的人旅游时喜欢直奔目的地,有的人喜欢兼顾游览沿途景观,你prefer?

3. 大学newspaper article 说学生什么组织的选举结果要推迟,原因是当天选举出现了2个irregularities?1个是图书馆投票点从一楼搬到二楼,2是咖啡厅的变化,没有读完。对话男生说,没有必要推迟,那天的变动一点都不影响结果,1,图书馆一楼因为有一拨人搞啥活动,乱糟糟的,所以搬到二楼是明智之举,并且有一个sign指示;2,不确定,大概是咖啡厅投票时间的变动,也没有影响。

4. 文章讲resource partition 意思是在一个特定的habitat动物们可以互相不争夺食物资源,基于他们自己的physical character,结论,可以和平相处。教授举了美国北部某地的生活在pond的两种鸭子redhead 和c鸭, 都吃insects 和 grass但是不互相争夺,因为细究来看,它们的食物还是有slightly不同, 这是由它们physical character造成的。此处没听清,猜测是c鸭嘴长,可以伸进深水猎食,所以在池塘深水处活动,redhead可能就是嘴短,只能在浅水处活动觅食了吧。不确定。

5. 又栽在此题上了,问题跟上回一样第一句关乎problem的关键词组miss掉了,后面也不是很清楚,大概是,男女生要去参加一个play的准备我猜是rehearsal吧,因为文中提到这词。但director要走人,男生说bad temper, 我猜就是跟其他人无法共事,自己老蹿火,但有一个candidate又sick 了,所以它们不得不自己演自己导了,但男生还想极力劝说那个火爆脾气别quit,因为是最理想的director.

6 . 教授讲经济学demand,先一句话定义了一下,完全make no sense to me以为怎么也得,当怎么怎么,就怎么怎么,以前政治经济学挺明确的,但她这一句就概括了,我confuse的原因是没有听出前面的关键谓语来估计是,所以,再碰到此题,一定要逮住这句话!然后她说产品价格上升,需求下降,两个原因,拿coffee 作例子,当有一种substitute存在时比如tea,咖啡价格升,人们买茶,咖啡需求自然就下降了;但没有tea或者人们就偏爱咖啡,价格升后,人们还会买咖啡,但买的数量少了,总体需求也下降了。


1.  features of cafe or restaurant you like

2. keep or not old building i the city

3.  new system to impove the efficieny of
didinot agree 
one:  new system is not convinent or efficient, because students have to finish their printing or usingputer in 1 hour, if they donot finish, they have to turn back again.
two: the noise problem will be worse, since at present the nosiese from the hall, if the new system establish, the noises wille from both the hall and the disagreement of students.

4.  advertisement
passage :
the crucial element of ad is awreness of what people value and what they want most.
about a soda av
one a party full of happy people. all of them take a new brand soda with them, then audiences think the soda can braing happiness to people
the other one, also a happy occasion,  a young man open a brand, then all people be quiet and leave him alone----for other brand(enemies)

5.  a movie reviewer is going to graduate and leave for job interview, so no one is now in charge of this job
two solution, sorry i did not quite follow the talking

6.  if you offer service to custumers, it is very important to cut the waiting time since they are easily impatient.
if you can not cutting the waiting time, using the perserved time meaning that the time people feel they are waiting, for exmple. in the doctor’s room. you could put a tv and let the patients watch tv to kill time, or hotel often has mirros in the hall.
other examples are in the railway station, they let the patient know how much time left before a train gets into the station.


1.  describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday.
2.  do you agree that childhood is the happiest (or precious) time in life
3.  announcement:munity work required
1)  can raise students’ enthusiasm
2)  can improve the relationship between the school and the neighboringmunity
listening: disagree with these 2 points
4.  reading: system thinking
definition: look big instead of focusing just on the issue itself
lecture: example, apany with many absent employees
consultant did research on food and gym facility.
the conclusion is not about the enthusiasm of the workers, it’s the unhealthy food and the lack of exercise that makes the sick leaves.
5. listening:
professor and a student
problem: they are arranging a discussion forum on poetry, but the venue- new art center is under construction.
two solution: 1) postpone it with fewer poetse next time.
               2) change the venue to the auditorium where is cozier and more casual
6. listening:
  bio cycle is 24 hours which is related to 2 factors
  internal and external
  flying crawl?  animal that active at night and sleep in daytime
  internal: without exposing to daylight still, adhere to the cycle, but with 1/2 hour shift to earlier time.
  external: then expose the animal to the sunlight, gradually the cycle adjust to normal pattern.

1 选择朋友时 哪个characteristic 最重要
2 通过家人朋友的advice学习好,还是根据自己的experioence 好
3 一小样给学校写信说,通过eliminate recycling program 可以省钱 因为种种原因1)没有participate 2)大家不热心 都乱来
然后一gg说1)每人参与,是因为 大家没有被 well informed,而且大家不知道recycling program 的重要性2)那个recycling program 不是不是大pletely founded 的,取消也不省什么钱
4 reading: role conflict
lecture: 2 eg.
1)student 3:00pm 要同时上课和做兼职,所以会role conflict,他不会同时是good student and good employee
2)pro. 同时想获得familly happiness and professional advance, 但是,他家离学校远 所以也会role conflict
5 problem: gg同时写完双学位的论文有困难
solution: 1) early start literature paper thenplete phylosophy paper
          2) one paperbine two majors with depth and width
hoho 当年偶是 两个一起做的,nnd现在想起还觉着累!
6 baby/chhildern language study
首先,给出fast-maping 的定义, 就是说宝宝会很快记住东西的名字,并且会猜东西的名字, xixi 以后检验一下
然后说宝宝通常会犯两类错误1)general erra, 例子: 宝宝会将所有四脚动物都叫horse
2) specific erra, 例子: 宝宝只管自己的布娃娃叫doll, 别人的不叫doll
这个听的很清楚,就是最后一个例子没有说完,被母板的垃圾废话害了 nnd!



1 最喜欢的film的类型。
2 学校要不要要求学生穿校服。搞笑的是我太紧张了,以至于在准备时间内开始说,且本想说不要,结果说成了要,正在苦闷,发现在准备阶段,大喜。赶紧改为反对意见。
3 学校的libary要扩大空间。一是增加shelf,一是增加学生的自习空间。男的就说,这只是短期的嘛。首先,应该增加电子版图书取代现在的图书,又方便又节省空间;然后增加自习室就会停掉那个学生活动中心的计划,所以实际上学生的自习空间减少了。
4 短期记忆遗忘的问题。一个是decay,不用就忘了,比如你打电话,不记得号码;一个是interferance 新的信息覆盖了原来的,就忘了,举得的是去书店列书单的问题。搞不清楚举例子是不是举反了。赫赫。
5 问一个女生要写一个新闻稿,但与之相关的一个老师出去了,两个星期后才回来,似乎关系到一个课的enrollment的问题。有两个办法:一个是写成短的新闻,一个是跟教授联系,下次再发表。我就说选前面的那个,我觉得短篇能传播信息就好了。否则就不是新闻了。

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