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日期:04-04 20:15:26 | 考研 | 浏览次数: 160 次 | 收藏

标签:考研真题,考研试题,考研英语真题,考研数学真题,http://www.gaofen123.com 对外经贸09硕士考试初试英语模拟试题及答案(1),

  1. they were furious when one of their best managers was poached by anotherpany

  a. headhuntedb. punchedc. plunderedd. probed

  2. the ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were unreadable.

  a. indelibleb. inscru推荐c. illegibled. illegitimate

  3. she bristled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest.

  a. bridledb. bridgedc. breathedd. boasted

  4. the romans subdued a large part of europe and the middle east.

  a. submittedb. surpassedc. conquerd. oppressed

  5. the waitresses disliked serving him his dinner because of his very fastidious taste.

  a. fancyb. capriciousc. meticulousd. corpulent

  6. if the grand jury indicts the suspect, he will go to trial.

  a. agreesb. chargesc. abdicatesd. confesses

  7.he is too young to be able to distinguish between right and wrong.

  a. discardb. discernc. dispersed. disregard

  8. after his long illness, the old man appeared so thin and delicate that a gust of wind have blown him away.

  a. flimsyb. powerlessc. fraild. faint

  9. we cannot vacillate on the question of the party’s leadership.

  a. leadb. doubtc. checkd. repeat

  10. john smith is a voracious book collector.

  a. viciousb. luxuriousc. insatiabled. valuable


  c to lend realismd of whose realism lent

  5. the invention of thepound microscope (which allowed much higher magnification through multiple lenses) made ________the great strides in life sciences.

  a it possibleb possibly c possible d it was possible


some observers have attributed to the dramatic growth in temporary employment that occurred in the


united states during the 1980’s to increased participation in to the workforce by certain groups, such


as first-time or reentering workers, who supposedly prefer for such arrangements. however, statistical


analyses reveal that what demographic changes in the workforce did not correlate with variations in the


total number of temporary workers. instead of, these analyses suggest that factors affecting


employers will account for the rise in temporary employment. one factor is product demand:


temporary employment is favored by such employers who are adapting to fluctuating demand for


products while at the same time seeking to reduce overall labor costs. another factor element is labor’s


reduced bargaining strength, which allows employers more control it over the terms of employment.


given by the analyses, which reveal that growth in temporary employment now far exceeds the level


explainable by recent workforce entry rates of groups said to prefer for temporary jobs, firms should


be discouraged from creating excessive more numbers of temporary positions.


  last month saw a new twist in the helter-skelter saga. the british airports authority and london city airportplained that the tower would endanger flight paths. the skyscraper may have to lose at least its top 20m. that would leave the shard as the undisputed tallest tower in europe—if it ever gets built.

  (1)the plans for the shard of glass have been causing ______________________ among different groups of people concerned with building and preserving buildings.

  (2)the proposals to build more skyscrapers in london are not supported by ________________.

  (3)trophy architects are people who design and build ______________ for a cosmopolitan city and win prizes for their designs,

  (4)ken livingston, london’s mayor, believes that skyscrapers enhance a city’s ______ in the world .

  (5)the newly designed tall buildings have ____________ taken due consideration of london’s city skyline and will ____________ the cityscape.

  (6)the writer____________ the plans for building the shard and is cynical about the idea that tall buildings earn a city prestige.

本文共5页:第 页 www.gaofen123.com

  (c) refute the view that the volume of business undertaken by suchpanies was relatively low

  (d) mphasize the international scope of thesepanies’ operations

  5. with which of the following generalizations regarding management structures would the author of the passage most probably agree?

  (a) hierarchical management structures are the most efficient management structures possible in a modern context.

  (b) firms that routinely have a high volume ofbusiness transactions find it necessary to adopt hierarchical management structures.

  (c) hierarchical management structures cannot be successfully implemented without modernmunications and transportation.

  (d) modern multinational firms with a relatively small volume of business transactions usually do not have hierarchically organized management structures.

  6. the passage suggests that modern multinationals differ from early chartered tradingpanies in that

  (a) the top managers of modern multinationals own stock in their ownpanies rather than simply receiving a salary

  (b) modern multinationals depend on a system of capitalist international trade rather than on less modern trading systems

  (c) modern multinationals have operations in a number of different foreign countries rather than merely in one or two

  (d) the overseas operations of modern multinationals are not governed by the national interests of their home countries

  7. the author mentions the artisan and peasant production systems of early chartered tradingpanies as an example of

  (a)an area of operations of thesepanies that was unhampered by rudimentary systems ofmunications and transport

  (b) a similarity that allows fruitfulparison of thesepanies with modern multinationals

  (c) a positive achievement of thesepanies in the face of various difficulties

  (d) a characteristic that distinguishes thesepanies from modern multinationals


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