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当前:首页 >> 高级笔译训练:一位诗人曾经说过


日期:10-31 22:34:36 | 英语口译、笔译 | 浏览次数: 681 次 | 收藏

标签:英语口译培训,英语翻译,http://www.gaofen123.com 高级笔译训练:一位诗人曾经说过,

  Beauty is found not in the structured but in the unstructured,It is not found in the perfect but the imperfect Not in similarities but in differences.


  A poet once said:

  Beauty is found not in the structured but in the unstructured

  It is not found in the perfect but the imperfect

  Not in similarities but in differences





  There is no perfect thing in the world, neither will there ever be. It is our perception and our attitude towards perfection that gives shape to the unstructured, makes the imperfect perfect and causes differences to dissolve into similarities.


  It is the world of differences that create the world be the most interest place to live in.


  Imagine if everyone was the same in attitude, appearance, colour, built, culture, perceptions and beliefs. The existence of these opposite phenomena gives meaning to us, distinguishing us from those which we are not. The ability to live in unison and find agreement with the opposite is the real beauty of life; it gives a challenge to work on – a reason to live.


 fort would not have any significance and meaning; it has them because difort exists. There wouldn't be good people in the world; bad people exist to prove them as good. There wouldn't be beauty unless ugliness exists to prove otherwise. There wouldn't be christians if everyone was considered christians. But god, He doesn't exist because the devil exists. His existence is the only phenomena that is explained and given meaning to, by Himself.


  The differences between the different phenomena are only a perception away from each other. The greater the perception, the greater the distance, hence the difference. Perception is collective and individual; personal perception is much easier to change than group perception. The world that we see today is the result of people's perception, and their way of defining perception.


  They pursue the meaning of life towards the extremes of either one; according to their perception. And neither one is more meaningful than the other because, meaning in itself is not found in the opposite phenomena; this time, its in the difference, the gap, the motion, the contraction that gives meaning and satisfaction to the pursuer. This in essence, means personal perception.


  The real beauty of life lies in appreciating the opposite phenomena because it sharpens ones perception towards one's own perception. Because the opposite phenomena exists to give reason and meaning to the other, appreciating the opposite of one's perceptions sharpens one's perception. The world would truly be a boring place to live, if all were the same. we know about peace and thrive towards it because we don't love war. we work towards love because we don't want hatred. The opposite onlypliments those things we thrive for.


  The ability to live in unison and find agreement with the opposite is the real beauty of life; it gives a challenge to work on – a reason to live.



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