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深港版《小学英语》Book2 Unit 4At the zoo

日期:10-19 23:32:13 | 课堂实录 | 浏览次数: 297 次 | 收藏

标签:小学英语教学,http://www.gaofen123.com 深港版《小学英语》Book2 Unit 4At the zoo,
    Step 1.Pre—task Preparation
    2.Free talk:Ask a student tomake a self-introduction and theothers to introduce themselves.
    S1:I’m John.I’m 7.
    Ss:You're John.You’re 7.
    S1:I’m a student.
    Ss:You’re a student.
    S1:I’m tall.
    Ss:You’re tall.
    Sl:I can’t dance.
    Ss:Y0u can’t dance.
    3.Say a chant with the video
  Step 2.While—task Proce—dure.
    1.Learn the new words:pan-da,monkey
    (1)T:I’m a rabbit.I’m4.I’m small.I’m white.I canrun and jump.I have long earsand a short tail.Nice to meetyou.I have many friends.Doyou want to know them?Let’sgo to the ZOO.(Show the title:At the ZOO.Lead the students toread.)
    (2)Show the mask of pandaand ask:What’S this?
  Ss:It’S a panda.(If theycan’t say it in English,teacherwill tell them.)
    Teacher asks students to put
 up the picture of panda on the
 board beside the picture of bam—boo.(教师在黑板上板书了小动物喜欢吃的食物名称,让学生帮小动物们找到它们爱吃的食物。)
    a.Students spell the words
 after teacher.
    b.Ask one student t0 point
 at the word on the computer.(利用课件展示所有要学习的表示动物的单词,学生点到“panda”这个单词,课件就会出现与“panda”这个单词相符的熊猫的图片。)

  www.gaofen123.com     e.Students say the chant
 with teacher.(Say with actions.)
    Panda,panda,it’s fat.
    Panda,panda,I love you.
    (4)Introduce panda by con-puter.(利用课件展示熊猫图片并在旁边列出对它的介绍内容。)
    This is a Danda.It’S 3.It’S
 fat.It’s black and white.
    It can walk.It likes bam-boo.
    (5)Use the same way to
 teach the word monkey.
    2.Learn the words:giraffe,elephant
    (1)Students spell the word“giraffe”after teacher.Ask one
 student to point at the word onthe computer.(利用查看更多文章请访问小学课堂网xxkt.cn课件显示相关学习内容,学生点到“giraffe”这个单词,课件就会出现与“giraffe”这个单词相符的长颈鹿的图片。)
    (2)Introduce the animal bycomputer.(利用课件展示长颈鹿图片并在旁边列出对它的介绍内容。)
  That’s a giraffe.It’s 4.It’stall and thin.It’s brown andwhite.It likes leaves.
    (3)Ask a student to put upthe pictures on the board besidethe correct food.(黑板上贴有“树”和“树叶”的图片。)
  Teaching the word elephantin the same way.
    3.Learn the word lion.
    (1)Teacher does actions,asks the pupils to guess what itis.
    (2)Teach them to read thefollowing.
    Lion,lion,it’s big.
    Lion,lion,I love you.
    (3)Describe:Students pre—pare for a while then describe thelion.
    4.Play a game
    Some students put up the
 masks of animals and food,then
 some students put up the masks
 of animals and some students putup the masks of food to matchthems.
    For instance,Teacher showsthe word card“elephant”.S1(戴大象头饰):I’m an elephant.E.L—E—P—H.A—N-T.elephant.I’mbig.I’m gray.s2(戴香蕉头饰):I’m a banana.S1:A

  www.gaofen123.com h,I love you,banana.
    5.Introduce the animals.
    When the pupils found thefriends,they will be divided intofive groups.
    T helps them to stand in five
 places.Then helps them to intro—duce the animals.
    E.g.This is a panda.It’sbig and fat.It’s black and
 white.It can walk.It likes barn.boo.
  This is a lion.It’s big.It’sbrown.It’s 7.It can run.It can
 walk.It eats small animals.
    (1)Students stand up and
 choose an animal they like,then
 do actions like this animal while
 saying:I’m a…I’m…
    Teacher takes photos forthem,then sends the photos tothem.
    (2)Divide the students into
 4 groups.Each group choose two
 animals from the photos and dis·CUSS how to introduce them to the
 nthers.a.Teacher gives the example.b.Students prepare in groups.c.Students communicate with ot.her groups.
    Step 3.Post—task Activities
    1.Play a game:Hide and
    Hide an animal and ask a
 pupil to find it.If he is near to
 the animal,pupils say with low
 voice:That’s a…
    Ask one pupil to come to the
 front and do the actions.Teacher:Is this a monkey?Group 1:Yes,It’s a monkey.
    Then say something about
 monkev:It’s thin.It’s 3.It can
 jump.It likes  bananas.(Give
 them a toy monkey as encour-agement.)
    Do the same with other
    3.Communicate with the

  www.gaofen123.com Teacher plays a movie about
 animal protection.(利用录像展示:森林被大火烧光了,动物们无家可归;猎人们去狩猎,动物们无处可藏。通过这段录像,增强学生爱护动物,保护森林的意识。)
    Draw a new home for the
 animals.Draw the animals you
 like and write down the animal’s
 name beside the animals you


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